Joe's Music Page

For as long as I can remember, I've been a big fan of music.  Big harmonies, lots of instruments, just a giant fan of anything musical.  Whether that came from listening to the organ at church or whether it was listening to Johnny Cash or Lawrence Welk when I was young, I can't really say;  all I know is that I've been drawn to good music for a long, long time.

In the pages below, there are various musical links.  Some are to various bands, others are about various instruments, and some are even to things in my record/tape/CD collection.  They're here in hopes that you, too, have a great love and appreciation of music.

In the Artists/Reviews, I'll tell you about various artists and concerts that I've seen and give you my take on them.  In Listening, you'll find out about various favorites of mine, or have the chance to take a look at what is in my music collection.  In my projects, you'll find out about things that I'm doing musically.  In Instruments, you'll find out about some of the instruments I play.  Music Links contains links to various artists, instrument sites, and any other musical link I can find.  And the Page Dedication is a dedication of the music section.